Equal Opportunity in the Workforce System
Section 188 of WIOA (29 CFR Part 38) prohibits discrimination against individuals who apply to, participate in, work for, or come into contact with programs/activities of the workforce development system, including partners that are part of the American Job Center (AJC) delivery system. In this section, learn about strategies, resources, and examples from multiple states related to implementation of the equal opportunity requirements of WIOA, and how they can support AJC certification.
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Increasing Access and Equity within the Workforce Development System
Statewide Cross-System Training on WIOA Section 188: Broadening Access for People with Disabilities & other Barriers to Employment
State Focus: Virginia – Virginia’s Cross-System Accessibility Taskforce Addresses Equal Opportunity and Access
LEADing to Employment Brief: Implementing the Equal Opportunity Provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Section 188)
State Focus: Missouri – Missouri’s Commitment to Equal Opportunity: Using WIOA’s Section 188 to Create a Blueprint for Improving Access & Equal Opportunity
Section 188 Disability Reference Guide
Joint System Innovation Brief: WIOA Section 188 & AJC Certification: A Window of Opportunity to Impact Equal Opportunity Policy & Practice to Better Serve Individuals with Disabilities