On Cue
Resource: The Essential Elements of Customized Employment for Universal Application
This guide identifies the essential elements of CE as a guide for the universal application of these elements across service delivery and training providers.
Resource: Customized Employment Works For Veterans Brief
This document introduces several veterans who have proudly served, successfully negotiated the transition into civilian life, and who are productively employed in customized jobs through the assistance of some amazing peers and CE strategies.
Resource: Customized Employment: A Job that I Love (video)
This video describes the importance of Discovery, the first stage in the CE process and the positive impacts of having a customized job for a disabled veteran.
Resource: Customized Employment Works for Veterans: A Win-Win Strategy (video)
This video describes CE from the veteran, service provider, and employer points of view.
Resource: Guided Group Discovery Resources: Introduction and Course, Participant Workbook, & Facilitator Guide
This suite of resources includes a Facilitator Manual, an accompanying PowerPoint slide deck (Introduction and Course), and a Participant Workbook for GGD success.
Resource: Guided Group Discovery Participant Workbook (Online)
This Participant Workbook allows completion of the GGD workbook through a web browser. A Workbook that a user starts can be re-opened to add, edit, or review information at any time through a link sent via email.
Resource: Guided Group Discovery – Veterans Edition – Facilitator Guide
This Facilitator’s Guide trains people to facilitate GGD sessions with veterans, people with disabilities, and/or others who experience barriers to employment.
Resource: Guided Group Discovery – Youth Version – Facilitator Guide & Supplemental Slide Deck
This Facilitator’s Guide trains people to facilitate GGD sessions with youth and young adults with disabilities. Materials include a Facilitator Manual, an accompanying supplemental PowerPoint slide deck, and a Participant Manual.
Partnerships to Support Successful Customized Employment
(July 25, 2023)
This webinar shares how Oregon and the District of Columbia have implemented CE through partnerships involving schools, VR, the workforce system, community employment providers, and more. This webinar also explores applications of GGD, adapted for different populations, as a first step in the CE process.
Customized Employment Funding: Strategies and Solutions
(March 30, 2022)
In this webinar, presenters discuss best approaches for funding CE efforts, available CE funding sources, and the necessary financial considerations in incorporating CE into service offerings. It also offers a rich participant discussion on tangible steps for increasing access to CE funding and an infographic illustrating the history of CE.