LEADOn! Article

On Cue – Resources and Webinars

April 2024 |

Resource: Aligning Employment and Financial Conversations in American Job Centers

This quick-reference guide provides information and resources to help American Job Center workforce staff and partners discuss financial and employment goal-setting with disabled job seekers. This guide provides the tools workforce professionals need to have successful conversations that align the money and employment goals of job seekers.

Resource: Aligning My Career Path with My Earning Needs

This resource helps job seekers ask important questions like “How much money do I need to earn to pay my bills and meet my financial goals?” to align their career path with their earning needs.

Resource: What Are My Housing Options?

Once a job seeker begins working, they may decide to look at housing options. This resource helps job seekers learn about tools that can help them make housing decisions that best meet their needs.

Resource: Employment and Financial Empowerment: A Toolkit for Youth with Disabilities

This recorded LEAD Center session from the 2023 National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Youth Development Symposium helps workforce professionals understand how financial empowerment and financial literacy can promote employment outcomes; support others to prepare financially for a job; and gain access to financial education-related resources and considerations.


Help Job Seekers Gain Money Smart Skills with Financial Education Tools

(October 24, 2023)

This webinar provides an overview of why financial education is vital in the preemployment process and highlights the FDIC’s (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Money Smart suite of free tools, including curricula and online games. This webinar also shares examples of how workforce development organizations have incorporated financial education within their programs.

Advancing Financial Mobility Within Native Communities

(May 3, 2023)

This virtual dialogue reviews economic disparities and access to financial resources within Native American and Alaska Native communities. Speakers share strategies for supporting Native American and Alaska Native individuals, including those with disabilities, with resources for economic self-sufficiency, the importance of banking, and financial education. The webinar also spotlights personal stories from Native American and Alaska Native people with disabilities on their financial journey to economic advancement and self-sufficiency.

The Racial Wealth Gap: Financial and Other Resources for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

(April 19, 2022)

In this webinar, speakers from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the U.S. Department of Labor discuss the racial wealth gap, along with such issues as redlining, appraisal bias, and credit discrimination. This webinar also highlights critical actions for improving economic outcomes for all, including Black youth and young adults with disabilities.