Capacity Building: Customized Employment

In This Section:
- Overview
- Customized Employment
- Promising Practices
- Targeted Technical Assistance (TA)
- Work Incentives and Benefits Planning
Questions (to answer individually or as a team)
Are you aware of targeted grants funding within your state that aims to increase employment of people with disabilities and their outcomes?
Are you aware of all national/state/local Technical Assistance (TA) available to your state/local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) system?
Are you aware of promising practices that have been effectively implemented nationwide, such as Customized Employment and Integrated Resource Teams (IRTs), to improve employment of people with disabilities?
Actions (to take individually or as a team)
If targeted grants are not in place, research national promising practices, including Customized Employment and Employment First on the LEAD Center website that can be implemented in your programs or through partnerships.