Identifying Banks

Banks that have a larger market share in your community may have more resources, including staff who solely focus on Community Reinvestment Act activities. Use this tool from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to find all the banks in your county. The tool ranks banks by market share. To start, you could focus on the top ten largest banks and see if your leadership team has any current relationships with these banks.

Five Step Example: Researching banks and their market share in San Francisco County

Step 1: Navigate to the FDIC’s market share database.

Step 2: Choose your state and click “Continue.”

Step 3: Choose your county and click “Continue.”

Step 4: Click “Run Report.”

Step 5:

View results: The results list all the banks ranked by market share in the selected county in descending order. See the last column in the table called “Market Share.” For example, the chart states that Bank of America’s market share in San Francisco is 48.32%.

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