Resource List
General Resources
Workforce Systems Can Leverage Bank Resources to Improve Economic Self-Sufficiency and Employment Outcomes for Low- and Moderate-Income Individuals. This FAQ is designed for workforce development boards and their staff members, community colleges, and others who provide workforce services. The document includes answers to frequently asked questions about workforce system–bank partnerships.
How Money Smart Are You? This suite of 14 games and related resources about everyday financial topics is a fun way to build financial literacy, which can lead to stronger financial capability. It is based on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) award-winning Money Smart program.
Center for Disability Inclusive Community Development (CDICD). The CDICD works to improve the financial health and well-being of low- and moderate-income individuals with disabilities and their families by increasing awareness and usage of the opportunities and resources under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The center’s web portal includes resources and recorded events relevant to bank CRA activities and to people with disabilities.
Engaging Workforce Development: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations. This 2017 guide, from the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and Kansas City, provides support for bank officials, including CRA officers, in developing partnerships with the workforce development systems operating in their communities.
Integrating Financial Capability into Employment Services: Literature Synthesis. This 2021 report produced by the Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation looks at research on the integration of employment and training services and financial capability interventions and the effects on economic outcomes for adults with low incomes. A growing body of evidence shows that financial capability programs and services may have some positive effects on participants’ financial well-being. Moreover, financial capability interventions and employment and training programs can work together to improve financial and economic outcomes for adults with low incomes in numerous ways.
Secure Your Financial Future—A Financial Toolkit for People with Disabilities. This toolkit provides a path forward for people with disabilities—and the people who support them—as they make employment-related decisions, regardless of where they are in their employment journey. Learn about tools and resources designed to assist people in securing their financial future, including preparing for a job, maintaining a job, and reaching retirement.
Recorded webinars
How Can CRA Be Used to Meet the Financial Needs of Low- and Moderate-Income People with Disabilities? This August 2019 webinar from National Disability Institute is the second in a five-part series designed to increase attention on inclusive community development to build a new level of relationships between the disability and financial communities.
Workforce Development and Meeting Obligations Under CRA. This 2019 webinar is the fourth in a five-part series from National Disability Institute that explores how the CRA can support workforce development outcomes for people with disabilities. It offers an overview of the CRA and its connection to workforce development, followed by a discussion of how to develop and strengthen partnerships from the perspectives of an organization serving people with disabilities and a bank partner.