Promising Practices in Achieving Universal Access and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide
The U.S. Department of Labor has developed this Reference Guide to assist AJCs by providing promising practices that correlate with specific nondiscrimination requirements in Section 188 and the current Section 188 regulations. While this Reference Guide is focused on AJCs, it may be used as a resource document for anyone that desires to ensure universal access and equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in the workforce development system, including State Governors, State Administrators, State Workforce Agencies, Equal Opportunity Officers, and State and Local Workforce Development Agencies.
The promising practices contained in this Reference Guide are not necessarily mandatory in every case under Section 188 or the regulations but may be considered by AJCs for the purpose of ensuring universal access and equal opportunity. The examples do not create new legal requirements or change current legal requirements. Descriptions of possible approaches in this Reference Guide should not be construed to preclude States and WIA/WIOA Title I grant recipients from devising alternative approaches to meeting their legal obligations. Adopting these possible approaches will not guarantee compliance with Section 188 of WIA and WIOA.