
Inclusive Career Pathways Desktop Guide: Information and Resources to Support Inclusive Programs and Services

| Tool/Manual

Inclusive career pathways are programs and approaches designed to support people whose career options have been limited because they lack the academic and/or technical skills necessary to complete the credentialing requirements of many key high-demand and high-growth career opportunities.

Use this Inclusive Career Pathways Desktop Guide to locate the information and resources you need to support inclusive practices within the programs and services you are providing as part of your career pathways. Specifically, this Desktop Guide will lead you to information that covers five key topics:

  1. Partnerships
  2. Job accommodations
  3. Strategies for job development
  4. Resource coordination
  5. Employer engagement

In addition to critical information, this Desktop Guide will connect you to organizations from within the public workforce system, the disability community, national organizations, and federal offices. Each entity plays a role in helping career pathways programs to think broadly about inclusion and connect to the tools, training, and technical assistance they need to be as inclusive as possible.